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metamodel version: 1.7.0

version: 1.0

The vocabulary and schemas associated with the production of credentials by GOV.UK One Login.


  • EvidenceRequestedClass - The levels of evidence_requested which are minimum GPG45 criteria that are requested.
  • IdentityCheckClass
  • InterventionClass
  • JWTClass
  • MitigatingCredentialClass
  • MitigationClass
  • NameClass - Name object that represents a user's claimed identity. This will have a list of nameParts. Usually this will contain one or more GivenName name parts and one (or occasionally more) FamilyName name part(s) for a specific period of validity.

    JSON schema: di_vocab:Name


  • NamePartClass - Abstract class to define a name part value and name part type for an optional validity period.
    • FamilyNameClass - Name part object that represents a Family Name. There currently will be a single NamePart object with a NamePartType of FamilyName within the representation of a Name for a specific period of validity. This property will contain the user specified family name or the family name that was read from official documentation and may contain space characters.

      NOTE Considering names in a global context across multiple cultures, consumers of this format should understand that multiple FamilyName name parts may be used in future.
    • GivenNameClass - Name part object that represents a Given Name. There may be multiple NamePart objects with a NamePartType of GivenName within the representation of a Name for a specific period of validity. These will appear in the order in which the user specified or the order in which they were read from official documentation.
  • PostalAddressClass - Any postal address associated with a user, returned by an Address Lookup API or by manual data input.

    JSON schema: di_vocab:PostalAddress

  • PostalAddressGeneralClass - An abstract class containing common elements of a postal address. Attributes have a close mapping to either or both Ordnance Survey AddressBase and This class should not be used directly. Lower-level classes are used to generate schema for UK or international addresses.

    JSON schema: di_vocab:PostalAddress

  • RiskAssessmentClass
  • SecurityCheckClass
  • SexClass
  • StructuredAttributeClass
    • ISODateClass - Contains a complete or partial ISO date, with no time part and in which the day and month parts are optional.
  • VerifiableCredentialClass
  • Mixins





    Built in

    • Bool
    • Curie
    • Decimal
    • ElementIdentifier
    • NCName
    • NodeIdentifier
    • URI
    • URIorCURIE
    • XSDDate
    • XSDDateTime
    • XSDTime
    • float
    • int
    • str


    • JWS (str)
    • StringOrURI (str)
    • Boolean (Bool) - A binary (true or false) value
    • Curie (Curie) - a compact URI
    • Date (XSDDate) - a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
    • DateOrDatetime (str) - Either a date or a datetime
    • Datetime (XSDDateTime) - The combination of a date and time
    • Decimal (Decimal) - A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal specification
    • Double (float) - A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
    • Float (float) - A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
    • Integer (int) - An integer
    • Jsonpath (str) - A string encoding a JSON Path. The value of the string MUST conform to JSON Point syntax and SHOULD dereference to zero or more valid objects within the current instance document when encoded in tree form.
    • Jsonpointer (str) - A string encoding a JSON Pointer. The value of the string MUST conform to JSON Point syntax and SHOULD dereference to a valid object within the current instance document when encoded in tree form.
    • Ncname (NCName) - Prefix part of CURIE
    • Nodeidentifier (NodeIdentifier) - A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model.
    • Objectidentifier (ElementIdentifier) - A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model.
    • Sparqlpath (str) - A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path. The value of the string MUST conform to SPARQL syntax and SHOULD dereference to zero or more valid objects within the current instance document when encoded as RDF.
    • String (str) - A character string
    • Time (XSDTime) - A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular day
    • Uri (URI) - a complete URI
    • Uriorcurie (URIorCURIE) - a URI or a CURIE